Quick overview of a photo release form
A photo release form can be a legally binding document that businesses and photographers must use when they work with models of any kind. It gives the business or the photographer the lawful right to utilize the image or likeness of the image with or without identifying the model. It also involves language that states that the model will not get any further compensation for use of the image. Because a photo release form can be legally binding, it is crucial to read it and comprehend its contents before signing it.
What is a photo release form?
A photo release form is utilized to secure the use of an individual’s likeness either with or without noting their identification in addition to the image, including photos taken by amateur photographers. A photographer, organization, or website may use this form to ask an individual for permission to utilize a photo of the individual.
For the photo copyright release form to be correctly filled out, it has to include information about both parties – the organization that wishes to use the photograph and the individual represented in the photograph. The individual is required to make a sworn statement giving the right to the organization to use the image. It must be signed and dated until it is official. It is often useful to provide blank spaces, e.g., “print name”, to lead you and the model through completion.

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When do I need a photo release form?
Photos used for informational or educational purposes, like photos placed in newspapers or textbooks, generally do not need a signed photo release. However, a photograph utilized in a website, poster, ad, brochure, greeting card, digital media, kiosk display, trade show purchase by an art patron, or other commercial purpose requires a photo consent form. Commercial purposes involve the sale and promotional utilization of images. This is true even if the photo itself creates no direct revenue. For instance, if a photo goes up on a blog for a professional photographer or even an amateur one, it can be considered commercial utilization because you are showcasing your work. Generally speaking, it is considered a best practice to use a template for a photo release form in place to save yourself from possible legal trouble.
Types of photo release forms
Two different types of release forms exist. The general photo release form is the first one. It is used for models who have reached adult age and therefore are considered legally competent. This kind of form involves the information of both parties, details of the taken photos, the date, and signatures. The second type of photo release form is used for minor subjects and must be signed by the subject’s parent or guardian. This kind of photo release is frequently called a “model release form.”
Adults vs minors
For adults and minors, the photo release process is slightly different. A common photo release dictates the expectations and responsibilities of the photographer and the client. Yet, the same basic components are included in both types of photo releases.
The process is slightly different for minors. The constituents are, but in this case, the photo release must be signed by a parent or guardian. This is particularly crucial if the minor’s image will be featured in a public medium, such as a website or a portfolio.
Components of a photo release form
A photo release form is a quite simple legal document. Generally, it verifies a company’s or a photographer’s copyright possession of photographs taken of the model despite the model being an adult or a minor. It grants the company or a photographer permission to utilize the described photos as they wish. The following main components are included in a standard photo release form:
- Entities’ names giving and receiving permission to utilize the photo and a description of how the photo may be used (the broad term “commercial use” or “commercial purposes”) mostly it is a detailed enough description) as well as determining the subjects of the photos.
- Entities can be individuals or companies. Here’s an example:
I, John Grant, hereby give my consent to Melissa Photographer and other associates of Photos by Melissa, Inc., to photograph, film, and/or videotape and then use, reproduce, and publish the following images of me and/or my child/children, Sean, Janine, Tania for commercial purposes.
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- Any pertinent details about images being produced. Here’s an example:
Family portraits taken by Photos by Melissa on June 20th, 2020.
- Give details of permission being granted.
Here, you may give the signer the chance to specify how the photographs may be used.
For instance, the signer may only give the photographer permission to publish in a certain place or may give free rein to use the photos for promotion on their website or in their studio or portfolio.
Here’s an example: I grant permission for Photos by Melissa to use the aforementioned photographs at will in the following contexts: PhotosByMelissa.com (for promotional and/or / portfolio content), In-studio promotional use.
Here’s another example that’s not quite as specific: These photographs may be used in any manner the aforementioned photographer sees fit, with or without identification of the subjects.
- Next, you will need the signatures of both the photographer or business receiving the permission to use the photos. the model and
Remember, if the model is a minor, it is a legal requirement to have a parent or a legal guardian sign the form.
- You must also involve a statement that reads, “I have read and understood the above.”
- Add spaces for the printed name, organization, address and signature of the person or persons giving photo use permission, also the date.
Multimedia release form types
Multimedia and photo release forms are utilized to obtain right from the person in the image to use the image for personal or commercial reasons. Since it is a release, it permits them to use the image to another person. Common types of photo releases include:
1) Photo release form for daycare use. Utilizing this form, the parent or guardian of the child permits the daycare facility to use the child’s image or likeness
2) Photo release form for employees. Using this form, an employer obtains the right to use the employee’s image or likeness. This is most frequently done for commercial purposes or to use the employee’s image on the company’s website / their social media profiles.
3) Photo release form for a minor child. This type of form is signed by a minor child’s parent or guardian to permit the photographer to use the photo.
4) Photo release form for a model. This form is signed by an individual who is considered a lawful adult to give another person or business permission to use their photo.
5) Photo release form for a pet. This form is utilized to give a person or business the right to use the photo or likeness of a pet. It is signed by the person who possesses the pet.
6) Copyright release form for photo or likeness. It permits an individual or a company to utilize copyrighted or trademarked images without attribution.
7) Release for video form. This form is utilized to give an individual or company legal permission to use a video. Mainly it is used for commercial reasons.

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How to make a photo release form:
A photo release form must be used anytime an individual or company wants to use the image, video, or likeness of another person. When signed by the person in the image, video, or likeness it releases any obligation of the person or individual using the image to pay or continue to pay for utilization of the image, video, or likeness.
Photo release forms can be used for adults, minors, or pets. If the model is a minor, It should be signed by the minor’s parent or guardian. This is because minors do not have the legal right to enter into contracts.
To create a photo release form, you will need to collect particular, basic identifying information about the parties, such as:
1) The legal name of the photographer, business, or individual seeking the rights to use the image, video, or likeness
2) The legal name (if applicable, stage or performance name as well) of the person in the image, video, or likeness
3) The address and phone number for each party
4) A thorough description of the photo, likeness, or video covered by the form
5) How long the photographer, business, or individual will retain the right to use the photo, likeness, or video
6) The purpose for which the image, likeness, or video may be used
7) Any conditions related to the use of the image, likeness, or video
In the release form, clear language should be used that elucidates that the model is signing over their rights to the image, video, or likeness. It should also clarify if any kind of payment is being made to the model to get the release. In such a case, the type of payment and the amount of payment should be determined. If the model can cancel the release, how they may do so should be included. It must be explained in the form of whether the model is authorized to receive royalties. In this case, the number of royalties and how they will be paid out should be cleared up.
Finally, the agreement should be signed and dated by the parties. Printed names should also be listed in addition to the signatures of the parties. Both parties should keep a signed copy of the contract after it is executed.
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Below you can download for free template for the photo release form in PDF format: