Illinois bill of sale is a legal document, in which detailed information shows that certain kind of property was sold for certain amount of money to a specific person. This document is a good way of additional protection against potential misunderstanding or fraud.
Common bills of sale used in Illinois are:
- General bill of sale
- Motor vehicle bill of sale
- Bill of sale for junk vehicles
- Bill of sale for a boat
- Bill of sale for a gun
For your information: All kinds of bill of sales should include full legal name of the seller and the buyer, full physical address and driver’s license number or state identification (ID) number.
Tips on how to write Illinois general bill of sale
In general form of Illinois bill of sale, you should include:
- The details about the seller and the buyer (full legal names, physical address, driver’s license or state identification (ID) number
- Description of the property (serial or registration number and descriptive characteristics of the item to be sold)
For example, if you are selling micro wave, then you should describe what is the brand name, color, measurements, working condition and serial number.
- Item’s price expressed in numbers and also in words (e.g.: $250.00 two hundred and fifty dollars and no cents)
- If other specific terms and conditions must be completed, those must be explained
- If the item is being gifted to the buyer, it should be noted in the Illinois general bill of sale
- For Illinois bill of sale, disclosure of the seller is not a necessity, though it may be useful, because it informs the buyer about the awareness of the seller concerning the item’s defect in the process of sale
- The buyer and the seller should date and sign Illinois general bill of sale

Tips on how to write Illinois vehicle bill of sale
Vehicle bill of sale Illinois should include:
- The seller’s and buyer’s full legal names and their contact information (physical address that includes the city, state, and postal code/zip code)
- The seller’s and the buyer’s driver’s license number
- The vehicle’s year, make and model
- The vehicle identification number (VIN)
- The vehicles odometer reading
- Date when the document was created
- Date when the payment was fulfilled
- If the seller is including the title, it also should be documented
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Note: Indication of the dates, when the document was made and when the payment was fulfilled is important in case these two actions were not made simultaneously/on the same day. Amount of the money should be written in numbers, as well as in words, e.g.: Six-thousand, eight-hundred dollars and zero cents ($6,800.00). Any extra terms and conditions, that are part of the sale, should be explained in the Illinois vehicle bill of sale.
According to the Illinois Secretary of State, the buyer’s disclosure is not obligatory, though, it may happen to be useful, if suddenly something happens to the vehicle and legal actions arise. With the above document, the buyer becomes aware of any probable mechanical matters that the motor vehicle has.

For your information:
For car registration it is not necessary to have vehicle bill of sale Illinois, though this document might be useful for both the seller and the buyer. As a buyer, you have to consider that you are not authorized to operate the motor vehicle with the plates on it upon the sale without title, because the title is mandatory. To sum it up, vehicle registration in Illinois requires from you to apply for registration and also for title on the motor vehicle. In Illinois, required documents to register a vehicle are:
- Car title
- Odometer disclosure statement (ODS)
- Insurance proof
Below you can download free pdf form of the bill of sale Illinois: